Thursday, May 11, 2017

Fifth Grade Creative Writing

Students in Ms. Bonanni's writing class are working on independent writing projects.  Students are choosing a genre that they would like to learn more about and doing research on that genre.  They are developing their own writing plans and setting new writing goals.  Many students have very interesting ideas for what they would like to work on. Some ideas are a guide for how to choose the best plant for you, memoir poems, mirror poems, legal mysteries, narrative nonfiction about the Holocaust, historical fiction about the Berlin Wall, fables that teach us lessons and explain how an animal came to be a certain way, myths on how the world was created, and much more!

Student Hannah Cunningham did research on mirror poems. Mirror poems, or reverse poetry is a type of poem read backwards and forwards. When read forwards the poem usually shows negative feelings, but when read backwards the negativity is flipped and the feelings become positive.

Here is an original mirror poem written by Hannah.  If you know Hannah, you know that the second one describes her feelings about the world much better.

Living is a crime.
I will never believe that
People are put on this earth for a reason.
Happiness is not a thing anyone can achieve.
I will never listen to the experts who say
People help the earth.
Why should anyone listen to that?
People have ruined the world.
Funerals are times of joy for me.
It is horrible to think that
When people are born everyone is happy.
In my book
People are horrible creatures.
It is crazy to think that some people believe that
People are helpful and are put on the earth for a reason.

People are helpful and are put on the earth for a reason.
It is crazy to think that some people believe that
People are horrible creatures.
In my book
When people are born everyone is happy.
It is horrible to think that
Funerals are times of joy for me.
People have ruined the world.
Why should anyone listen to that?
People help the earth .
I will never listen to the experts who say
Happiness is not a thing anyone can achieve.
People are put on this earth for a reason.
I will never believe that
Living is a crime.

Mirror, Mirror and Follow, Follow by Marilyn Singer

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